25 June 2013

Nite Light Lyfe

This was taken atop Mars Hill looking down at the Flagstaff light life under a full moon.

21 June 2013

Senior Home Livin'

You know you work at a retirement home when…

The most action you got was an old man saying “How are you today, besides beautiful”.

You get called ‘cookie’ forty times an hour by a screeching Jewish woman with lipstick on her cheek.

You make a medal for a grouchy woman for being “The best walker and simultaneous ice cream eater” in order to motivate her to take her ice cream to her room so that you can go home on time.

Everyone complains that the coffee is too strong and not hot enough. 

“The chef is so nice! I wonder if he’s got a girlfriend” said woman 1
“ Oh stop it, it’s none of our business”, said woman 2. “I wouldn’t want to crawl in bed with him though, he’d take up the whole thing!”
“ You’re horrible, but I’ve wondered how that’d work...”, said woman 2

You let your farts flow free because there are eighty people who are four times your age you can blame it on.

09 June 2013

Broc Balls

Need to satisfy a craving for meatballs but are feeling vegetarian? 
Here's an option that doesn't taste like meat at all... But they are delicious!

1 head of broccoli
1 cup spinach
1 cup chopped almonds
1 cup parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
basil, salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Put all the ingredients (broccoli first) together in a food processor and blend until mostly smooth. Add the almonds last so that they don't get too fine. Grease a muffin tin and plop in the broc ball mixture. Bake for about 35 minutes or until they're lightly browned. Serve with spaghetti or on a hoagie with marinara sauce for a vegetarian meatball sandwich!

02 June 2013


Sometimes all you need is a whirlwind adventure to an abandoned high school and a drive through the Arizona desert.
Jerome 2013!