26 May 2012

La Ferme du Petit Changeons

I find myself finally at the farm I was promised. It's beautiful, stinky and I live in a hut. The outdoor kitchen has one working burner that I have to control with a rusty tool. I eat goat cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Besides learning to like cats (the one below seems to pester me the most); I've become well acquainted with goats' utters (which we have to milk everyday at 8 am sharp), a little goat named Zigzag and a troop of piglets. Photos to follow... ! 

24 May 2012

Un Road Trip Breton

Lots of hikes through green gold.

Two hours after arriving at the farm I'm WWOOFing at, I was back in transport on a roadtrip through the middle of Brittany. A place rich with culture; a stubborn culture that won't let you escape the fact that you are in BRETAGNE. Crepes, weird slightly celtic music and green farms.

Lots of farm-made food

Pontivy (a little town)
Say no to hamburgers and yes to crepes with butter.

17 May 2012

Je Te Dirais 'A La Prochaine', Montpellier

Chère Ma Petite Montpellier,
These last ten months have been amazing with...
The dirty nights at St. Roch Church...
Surprising beauty...

The markets...
Tunisian treats...
And the best of friends...
Now my next part of my adventure sends me WWOOFing at a goat farm in the north of France.
Merci pour tout, a corner of my heart shall always be found here.

09 May 2012

The Smells That Will Linger

They say that smell holds the strongest key to memory. That being said, Montpellier will be difficult to forget. As my time in Montpellier is winding down I find myself nostalgically walking through its windy streets and alleyways. Walking with friends at night and walking with my groceries during the day I stumble across scents fragrant and foul. Here I've compiled a list of the daily things I've been smelling for the last 10 months.
- coffee
- the stink before rain, rain and the refreshing after-rain
- pain au chocolat and bakeries
- poop, pee, sewer, garbage and exhaust
- Frenchy body odor
- chrysanthemum, hydrangea and sperm trees
- curry and garlic
- l'herbe qui n'est pas de qualité
- "the oaky afterbirth of wine" - Michael Scott
- salty beach air and the swamp
- people smoking cigarettes outside of bars, restaurants, classes and the health clinic
- lavender laundry

01 May 2012

Je Veux Vivre Jusqu'à la Fin

I had to make an artsy-fartsy video for my art class. 
This was the result of a windy day, cold sea and some supportive crazy friends.