14 January 2012

Whole Fish : A Recipe for Precision

I went to the market and compulsively bought whole fish (skin, head, eyeballs, fins, etc). They were slimy and stinky and was temporarily repulsed.
Sid and Roberta

1 whole white fish
some broccoli
some carrots
some onion
some garlic
those translucent Asian noodles
some sesame seeds
about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
Salt and Pepper

Put olive oil in a pan and add the whole fish with salt and pepper. Once the inside looks pretty cooked (it was a guessing game), flip it over. Take out of the skillet and replace with all your veggies, the balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and Tabasco (to desired spice-level). Then warm up water in a pot and let the noodles sit for about 3-5 minutes. Take the fish off the bone by kind of wiggling the tail with the head down over a plate and re-add to veggies. *make sure to keep the skin. Once the veggies are a desired crispiness, remove and use the oil to fry up the noodles like a pancake. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Layer as desired.

And then Sid and Roberta were quite the enjoyable meal.

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