28 September 2011

Say My Name, Say My Name

I don't know how to say my name in French.

Every single time I tell someone I try in my best accent Reh-beh-kah. And they're like "What? Roberta? Roterba?". NO! Where did you hear me put a T in anything I just said? I usually have to repeat myself at least three times before I give up and say Rebecca in my good ol' American accent. Then they're like "Oh! Réh-beh-kah, enchanté." Yes, that's my name, and it's what I've been saying this whole time. Maybe for the rest of the year I'll tell people my name is Pierre.

1 comment:

  1. it's the wrong emPHASis on the wrong SyLAble. RuhbehKAAA.

