I would like to begin with how I started the 4th of September, 2011. My new exchange friends and I went out to explore Montpellier nightlife. I think we found it and then we found the daylife. We started with a scenic tram ride and ended up at Place de la Comèdie, once again. There were bars open everywhere and bustling because it was only 12 am. We found one and instantly made friends with some locals. The bar was quaint and playing 'TNT'. The Frenchies sang 'I'm dynamite' with their accents, it was hilarious.
My dorm |
The bar closed at 2 and our local friends suggested we head to Panama, a boîte à nuit for some more dancing. Downstairs they played old Top 40 (they're still stuck on Time of My Life by the Black Eyed Peas) while upstairs there was the salsa lounge. Dancing was had. At 5 am we found ourselves on a guided tour with our 'bodyguards' through the streets of Montpellier as the sun began to break the night. It had rained a bit and the cobble stones glistened (and killed my feet). We walked through the historic districts and 10 km later, it was 7 am and we were safe in our dorms and drenched from a second shower of rain.

Later that day, after much contemplation and self motivational pep talks I found the strength to go to the zoo. That's right, the zoo. I live a 10 minute walk away from a free zoo with all the goodies. Rhinos, monkeys, an otter (I thought of you Mom), giraffes (Goose) and lots of lemurs. That being said, I spent a good two hours soakin' in the animal poop smell and laughing children. A perfect Sunday then topped off with a late afternoon rain shower.
I've slowly been learning my way around the neighborhood and really enjoying the mix of ancient buildings and modern design. The university is located in a quiet residential area where the house have ivy and vegetable gardens. However, much differently than the States, there's graffiti everywhere. And it's not meant to look ghetto. I believe it is just that people aren't motivated about cleaning it up and quite frankly, it's pretty most of the time!
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