10 March 2012

The Experiment : E 'n R's Stovetop Apple Pie

Have a sweet tooth? Don't have an oven? Find yourself only having stale bread, apples, sugar and raisins? No worries, you've got a dessert!

Stale bread
2 Apples
Golden Raisins
Tea bag of Chai Tea

In a large saucepan sauté up the chopped apples in a generous heap of butter and sugar. Meanwhile, soak the stale bread in a cup of Chai tea, milk (or cream and water) with more sugar. Once the apples look brownish, add the bread and golden raisins. Let simmer until a thick, pretty much disgusting consistency. Then in a separate sauté pan, melt some butter. That's right, Paula Deen style. Put your bread-apple mixture in the sauté pan patty-style and fry. This will create a 'crispy' texture. Add sugar to taste. And there you go, a heart attack without an oven!

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