For a little bit, my life was 3 skipped days of class for a 22 hour road trip to Nantes in order to play a 36 hour French National Championship of Ultimate Frisbee. All that I'm left with is sore legs, memories, some photos of a suspension bridge and a dark video of my teammates rapping.
A scrappy Montpellierian crew left Wednesday afternoon to Nantes in a short bus with high hopes. After our arrival early in the morning, we checked into the hotel for just a little rest. Thursday morning we found ourself in an empty gym standing across from the biggest tools I have ever seen : huge thighs, short shorts and scum-staches. We lost the dirty match. Next team was an engineering school from Strasbourg and perhaps one of the most cordial teams I've ever met. And so the day and Friday went, 'skying' the different cities 25 minute matches at a time.

Overall we got 9th out of 15th; not-too-shabby considering we'd only practiced a total of two months together. France takes their frisbee serious, a concept a little difficult for me to grasp. However, through all the intense strategy talks, opponent evaluation cards and the bureaucratic pomp and circumstance; the true spirit of the silly game of frisbee lives on.