{[Went on an ice cream date on Thursday. He didn’t get ice cream, but a Cola zero. I am not responding to his text messages any longer. You don’t go out and let the lady eat ice cream by herself, boys.]}
This weekend Cassie came from Barcelona to
A. Visit Montpellier and I
B. Run a marathon, NBD
She’s a champ.
Once again we found ourselves playing tourist and ‘food crawling’. You know, when you eat at every restaurant of interest, all desserts (Turkish delights) are on limits, super spicy Indian food to your hearts delight, coffee and ice cream.
The big day was Sunday, so Saturday was spent taking it easy and walking through the botanical gardens of Montpellier. Fall has fallen here. And I like it. We got our swag bags complete with a bottle of wine, shirt, poster, applesauce, etc.
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